O God, eternal, wise, mighty, blessed be your name forever and ever. You are compassionate O LORD, Your mercies have brought us to the dawn of another calendar year, vain will be the gift unless we grow in grace, increase in knowledge, ripen for spiritual harvest. Let us this year know you as you are,…
A New Year Prayer
Another year is dawning, Dear Father, let it be, in working or in waiting another year with Thee; another year of progress, another year of praise, another year of proving Thy presence all the days. Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace; another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face; another year…
Verse(s) of the Day
Family & Friends, A Letter For You.
Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones (1969)
O Lord our God, have mercy upon us. Forgive us especially, we pray thee again, for our folly—for our foolish talking about our century and the “modern man”, as if anything had changed. Awaken us, we pray thee, and bring us to see that thy method is still the same, that the truth remains unchanged…
Evangelism as Exiles
Evangelism as Exiles: Life on Mission as Strangers in our Own Land by Elliot Clark My rating: 5 of 5 stars I was thrilled to receive an electronic copy of this book. Not a Kindle version, but a PDF version. (Notice the only reason the collective reviews on Amazon are not 5 stars is that…
Unashamed by Lecrae Moore My rating: 4 of 5 stars This was an audio-book for me. I worked through it on my irregular running schedule and a couple of chapters in the car. First, the audio book is ready by Lecrae himself and he reads it with the emotion that only he would know. It…
FYI-May 2019
Each month brings some freebies from some Christian sites that have proven to be an encouragement for my faith so I pass it on that you might be encourage also. On Christian Audio the free book of the month is Grace is Greater by Kyle Idleman. This book was offered free back in March of 2017…
The Venue for Evangelism
“Still today, many churches seek to do outreach primarily by bringing people in. They practice an attractional model of mission. As a result, our greatest aspirations in evangelism have often been that our neighbors would come with us to church, send their kids to VBS, or attend a Christian camp or concert. But we need…
Meditation – The Saint’s Pastime
I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. –Psalm 77:12 Most Americans are familiar that baseball is connected to the popular phrase “America’s Favorite Pastime.” Whether or not you agree if baseball still holds that title, the idea of pastime is what is important. (Here is an interesting article advocating 20…