August 29, 2022 2 Corinthians 4 v1-6 Despite some suspect itinerate teachers influencing the Corinthians, Paul and his team are not discouraged. They are confident in the truth and power of the gospel to display its transforming power and vindicate their ministry. v7-12 Paul and his team accepted their role as simple jars…
2 Corinthians 3
August 25, 20222 Corinthians 3v1-3 – Paul’s critics inside the church at Corinth were questioning Paul’s credentials. Paul responds by stating the very existence of the Corinthian church is his letter of recommendation written by the Spirit of the living God.v4-6 – Paul calling, credentials, and confidence does not come from his strength, wisdom, intellect,…
2 Corinthians 2
August 25, 2022 v1-4 Paul continues explaining why his plans changed in coming to visit the Corinthians. It was not because he was looking out for himself or had some lack of character, but rather it was to prevent them from pain. In fact, Paul accepted the pain of heartbreak with tears out of an…
2 Corinthians 1
#Mercy #Comfort #Grace
1 Corinthians 16
August 23, 20221 Corinthians 16v1-4 – The church at Corinth is encouraged to set aside money for the struggling churches of Galatia.v5-11 – Paul lays out his planned itinerary, which includes a stop in Corinth to minister and fellowship with the church and receive the collection for the churches of Galatia.v12-18 – Paul instructs the…
1 Corinthians 15
August 22, 2022 1 Corinthians 15 Paul addresses the confusion and, most likely, divisions in the church at Corinth over the doctrine of the resurrection. v1-11 – The resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact, and at the time of Paul’s writing, there were still eyewitnesses alive. v12-19 – Preaching is nonsense if Christ…
1 Corinthians 12
1 Corinthians 12 Another division in the Corinthian church was due to their misunderstanding of spiritual gifts. v1-3 – Paul corrects the wrongheaded demonstration of the Spirit’s work in worship that mimicked pagan worship. v4-11 – Paul outlines and briefly explains spiritual gifts. v12-13 – Paul emphasizes in Christ, the church is one body with…
1 Corinthians 10
August 15, 2022 1 Corinthians 10 Careful, church, careful… ancient Israel tasted and forsook God’s blessings and chose idolatry leading to destruction. v1-13 Do not be idolaters. v7 Do not be sexually immoral. v8 Do not put Christ to the test. v9 Do not grumble. v10 Ancient Israel was an example to the church, so…
Sin Hardens
Break Off Every Known Sin
By J.C. Ryle In the last place, I will set down some particular rules of conduct which I strongly advise all young men to follow. (1) Resolve at once, by God’s help, to break off every known sin, however small. Look within, each one of you. Examine your own hearts. Do you see there any…