Old Testament Genesis 44:1-45:28 New Testament Matthew 14:13-36 Psalm 18:37-50 Proverbs 4:11-13 Intercession for the Youngest From Genesis 42-45 we read about Joseph’s interaction with his brothers. They have come to Egypt to find food because of a severe famine throughout the Mediterranean region. Joseph seems to be play cruel tricks on his brothers, but he is…
Old Testament Genesis 41:17-42:17 New Testament Matthew 13:24-46 Psalm 18:1-15 Proverbs 4:1-6 The POWER of GOD Modern man has lost any sense of the absolute power of God. There is little fear of God in the world and sadly in the church too. So many churches are filled with members who are living unholy and impure…
Old Testament Genesis 37:1-38:30 New Testament Matthew 12:22-45 Psalm 16:1-11 Proverbs 3:27-32 Advancement Advancement in the area of business and sports is efficiency and execution. First place wins and second places loses. Many times cheaters *cough* 2014-15 New England Patriots *cough* even win. Not so in the kingdom of God. Mark 10:31 But many who are…
Old Testament Genesis 37:1-38:30 New Testament Matthew 12:22-45 Psalm 16:1-11 Proverbs 3:27-32 Suffering Genesis chapter 37 through 50 zooms in on the twelve sons of Jacob, whose name has been changed to Israel. Israel’s sons eventually become the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel. The person of interest and focus in the remaining chapters of…
Family Ties
Old Testament Genesis 35:1-36:43 New Testament Matthew 12:1-21 Psalm 15:1-5 Proverbs 3:21-26 Family Ties Genesis 35 is a rapid chapter where Jacob returns to the place where he initially met God. He calls the place Bethel “house of God” and there he builds an altar to God. This is where God changes his name from Jacob to…
The Day of Judgment
Old Testament Genesis 32:13-34:31 New Testament Matthew 11:7-30 Psalm 14:1-7 Proverbs 3:19-20 The Day of Judgment The Bible gives repeated warnings about a coming day when God will judge. This should give everyone pause. I am afraid most are too busy to give it a second though. Many today are living their busy lives as if…
It’s Time to Leave
Old Testament Genesis 31:17-32:12 New Testament Matthew 10:26-11:6 Psalm 13:1-6 Proverbs 3:16-18 It’s Time to Leave The story of Jacob’s life is filled with deceit, revenge, and oscillating hostility. In fact his name matches much of his life. The name Jacob actually means deceiver or supplanter. It begins with his birth where his hand has hold of…
Old Testament Genesis 30:1-31:16 New Testament Matthew 10:1-25 Psalm 12:1-8 Proverbs 3:13-15 #blessed Last night there where millions of people who were hoping to be blessed by winning the largest Powerball pay out in history. The payout was somewhere north of 1 Billion dollars. That would be a lot of money for millions of companies let…
Preparing for the Test
Old Testament Genesis 28:1-29:35 New Testament Matthew 9:18-38 Psalm 11:1-7 Proverbs 3:11-12 Preparing for the Test If you have ever attended a school for the purpose of getting an education then you know what it means to prepare for a test. It takes time to prepare for a test. Students prepare for test differently. Some…
Old Testament Genesis 26:17-27:46 New Testament Matthew 9:1-17 Psalm 10:16-18 Proverbs 3:9-10 Rivalry There are numerous rivalries in this life. These rivalries vary in lore, depth, intensity, and emotion. Many will quickly think about their favorite sports team and their rival. Like the college football rivalry between Alabama and Auburn. (Auburn nation must be in mourning…