January 6 Reading: Isaiah 1-6 Isaiah the prophet finds himself in the very throne room of God Almighty in chapter 6. How terrifying for those who are guilty and stained with sin! Isaiah feels the full thrust of his own unworthiness in Isaiah 6:5. Not only does he feel the guilt of his own words,…
Secure In Our Suffering
January 5th Reading: Job 1-2 Job is synonymous with suffering. For forty -two chapters we read about a man who experiences extreme physical suffering and immense criticism and critiques from from his “friends.” The reader has an advantage over Job because we have been given a view into the heavenly scene in chapters 1 and…
The Law of the LORD
January 4 Reading: Psalm 1-2 Psalm 1 is a beautiful reminder of the blessings in store for the man (and woman) who delights in the unbreakable “Law of the LORD.” He is like a nourished tree. v3a He is like a fruitful tree. v3b He is like an enduring tree. v3c He will prosper. v3d…
I Will Be With You
January 3 Reading: Joshua 1-5 Recently, one of our children has been very fearful at night. There is an uneasiness in the heart about someone or thing breaking into our home. Reading Joshua 1-5 the Lord continually commands Joshua, the new leader of the Hebrews, to be strong and courageous. Joshua had a reason to…
Each month brings some freebies from some Christian sites that have proven to be an encouragement for my faith so I pass it on that you might be encourage also. On Christian Audio the free book of the month is Morning & Evening by Charles Spurgeon. This book written over one hundred years ago has…
Men Hold Fast
January 2 Reading: Genesis 1-3 In these first three chapters of the Bible, we are introduced to God the Creator. These chapters contain massive amounts of information for us to know. They lay the foundation for understanding God’s purposes, where humanity came from, humanity’s purpose, and humanity’s problem. These chapters also leave us when a host of questions…
Mutually Encouraged
January 1 Reading: Romans 1-2 11 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— 12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. In this text, we read about Paul’s earnest desire to be with the believers…
That I May Know Him
Another year means a fresh start, a new beginning. Over the years I have consistently begun a scriptural reading plan often with a devotion aid. This year is no different. I have created a Bible reading plan that is a bit different than what has been typical for me. My plan is to read through…
Addiction Road
Several weeks ago I was listening to a lecture and the speaker gave a helpful list that many young people have taken to Addiction Road. Experiential – The starting point often comes from the encouragement of someone else or from plan curiosity. Social – After the initial experience it then swiftly moves down the road…
John Owen
Those who are under the power of their natural darkness and blind- ness . . . cannot see or discern that divine excellency in the Scripture, without an apprehension whereof no man can believe it aright to be the word of God. – JOHN OWEN