January 3 Reading: Joshua 1-5
Recently, one of our children has been very fearful at night. There is an uneasiness in the heart about someone or thing breaking into our home. Reading Joshua 1-5 the Lord continually commands Joshua, the new leader of the Hebrews, to be strong and courageous. Joshua had a reason to fear. Moses, the longtime leader, has died and now Joshua has been called to lead the people into the Promise land where it had been reported there were giants.
The Lord quickly speaks to Joshua to give him the confidence he will need to accomplish the God given task. Are you facing a monumental task? Have you been given a new responsibility? Has God spoken to you through his Word? In Joshua 1:5 the Lord gives one of the best promises possible. “I will be with you.” The Lord does not remove the battles and challenges ahead, but he assures Joshua of His divine presence. The promise continues, “I will not leave you or forsake you.” What a promise!
Brethren, do we not find the same promise given to us by the Lord Jesus to accomplish the Great Commission? What does the Lord Jesus promise at the end of Matthew 28:20? “I am with you always.” Let us face the cultural giants of our day and be strong and courageous to fulfill the Great Commission for “God is with us.”
O Most, Loving Father,
You are deserving of all praise, glory, and honor. I thank you for this precious promise of your continual, unfailing, strengthening, and encouraging presence. Lord forgive me for being weak and cowardly in the Great Comission work you have assigned me, when I have every reason to be strong and courageous, because of your promise “I will be with You.” Remind me daily thou are with me.
In the Name of Jesus, Amen