Let this truth hit you with full force.
Psalm 113:4–6
The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens!
Who is like the Lord our God, who is seated on high, who looks far down on the heavens and the earth?
Shame on us if we talk about Him as if He is an old grandfather figure down the street.
In my morning reading I read about when Solomon prepared the temple furnishings and then brought the ark of the covenant into the finished temple (2 Chronicles 4-5). When all the furnishings and the ark were in order and place, then the priestly singers and trumpeters began in unison to sing and play. Singing praises and thanksgiving to the LORD, and it was at this point God made His presence known through a cloud filling the temple. As the cloud enveloped the temple it became so thick and penetrating that the priests could not longer minister, because the glory of the LORD had come to the house of God.
Send your glory again LORD.
Oh, LORD make yourself known to your people!
Prepare us for your coming.
This morning I was struck by this song in reflecting upon my reading and the lyric “Who is like our God?” Take some time today to worship Him.
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